New Term Classes Sept ’16

New Term Classes Commencing at Ceol na Coille

We had a fantastic summer of music kicking off with our 5th annual Traditional Music Summer School in Letterkenny, a great time was had by all. We also enjoyed a few weeks between our cultural exchange groups from Texas and also Scotland. Finishing up of course with a great week at the Fleadh in Ennis! Thanks to everyone who took part and helped make it a great summer of music.

Classes will commence for the new term on Monday 5th September. All returning  pupils are asked to contact me to reserve your place. Enrollments are now being taken for our next Introduction to Irish Traditional Music course for 6-8 year old. If you wish to enroll as a new pupil please contact me as soon as possible as places are limited.

Irish Conversational Classes

Ranganna Comhrá Gaeilge do dhaoine fásta a mhairfidh 10 seachtaine
10 week course for those wishing to improve their conversational skills

Contact us to register for these classes. Places are limited.

Breis Eolais le fáil ó Paul ag

Cuir scairt ar Paul ar 087 6774601

Ceili, Sets and 2 hand Evening 31 Jan

An evening of Ceili Sets and 2 hand dancing will be held in Kilmacrennan on Sunday 31st January, 4-7pm. All welcome. The evening is organised as part of ongoing fundraising events in aid of Cultural Exchange Program 2016 between
North Texas School of Traditional Music and Ceol na Coille School of Traditional Music, Letterkenny. A group of musicians from Ceol na Coille – School of traditional music, will travel to Dallas in March 2016 to take part in concerts, workshops, sessions and a range of cultural based activities. Fear an Tí for the evening will be Gerry MacNulty,  with music provided by Chris (Duntally).

New Term September 2014

New Term Classes Commencing

Classes will commence  again after our summer break this coming Monday, 8th September. All returning  pupils are asked to contact us to reserve your place. If you wish to enroll as a new pupil please contact us  as soon as possible as places are limited.

Introduction to Irish Music Classes (6-9 year olds)

These Classes are designed to give your child an opportunity to try different instruments and introduce them to music in a relaxed and encouraging environment. Class sizes are small and ensure your child gets the attention they deserve.
The classes will run for 5 weeks. Contact us for details on dates for 2014


Cursaí Comhra Gaeilge

Ranganna Comhrá Gaeilge do dhaoine fásta a mhairfidh 10 seachtaine
10 week course for those wishing to improve their conversational skills

Contact us to register for these classes. Places are limited.

Breis Eolais le fáil ó Paul ag

Cuir scairt ar Paul ar 087 6774601

Monthly Session

Another Lovely evening of music in Wilkins Bar, Churchill today for our monthly session on the second Sunday of the month. Thanks to all the young musicians who turned out and their parents for coming along. Great to see so many of the the adult musicians also coming along. It is always great to see some new faces. The session will be on every Second Sunday of each month with the exception of April, were the session will move to the 1st Sunday. Keep it in your diaries. All budding Musicians, young and old welcome.

Summer School 2014

Ceol na Coille Summer School, Letterkenny, Co Donegal

Colaiste Ailigh – Home to Ceol na Coille Summer School 2014

Ceol na Coille’s Summer School of Traditional Irish Music takes place this year from 21st – 25th July. Celebrating 3 years of happy music-making, the summer school has grown in size, and to facilitate greater numbers, the summer school will move this year to the fantastic new facilities of Coláiste Ailigh, Cnoc na Móna, Letterkenny. We are also delighted this year, to be working with the Earagail Arts Festival in delivering this years Summer School. We will be releasing details of recitals and performances by special guests shortly.


Book early this year to secure your place! Further details on our web site

New Term September

New Term Classes Commencing

Classes will commence  again after our summer break this coming Monday, 2nd September. All returning  pupils are asked to contact us to reserve your place. If you wish to enroll as a new pupil please contact us  as soon as possible as places are limited. Beginner  Classes will begin the following week beginning Monday, 9th September.

Introduction to Irish Music Classes (6-9 year olds)

These Classes are designed to give your child an opportunity to try different instruments and introduce them to music in a relaxed and encouraging environment. Class sizes are small and ensure your child gets the attention they deserve.
The classes will run for 5 weeks with two options:

Friday 27th September – Friday 25th October
Friday 22nd November – Friday 20th December

Cursaí Comhra Gaeilge

Ranganna Comhrá Gaeilge do dhaoine fásta a mhairfidh 10 seachtaine
10 week course for those wishing to improve their conversational skills
commencing Tuesday 30th September – Tuesday 9th December 8.15-9.15

Breis Eolais le fáil ó Paul ag

Cuir scairt ar Paul ar 087 6774601

Fáilte chuig an choirnéal Gaeilge.

Teanga álainn, bhinn, cheolmhar í an Ghaeilge, cuid d’ár n-oidhreacht & d’ár bhféiniúlacht. Labhair í & marfaidh sí! Déan teangmháil le Ceol na Coille inniu maidir le cúrsaí Gaeilge labhartha. Cuir le do phota focail féin le focal na seachtaine thíos!

Focal na Seachtaine:  Cairdeas   fir  Friendship

Déanann an focal thuas céiliúradh ar an chairdeas atá anois ann idir Ceol na Coille, Tionscadal Ceoil Tradaisiúnta Inis Eoghain agus Triall Ceilidh Cairngorm ón Alban.

Brú ar na nascanna thíos chun tuilleadh tacaíocht a fháil le do chuid Gaeilge agus eolas ar Ghaeilge na hAlban.

Foras na Gaeilge


Beag air Bheag


Ceol na Coille in Germany

German Folk Ensemble Ihna welcomed Scoil Uí Ruairc and a group of musicians from Ceol na Coille to Erlangen in July to take part in a youth project, Youth Cross Culture. The group visited and performed in Erlangen, Munich and Nuremberg, as well as facilitating a number of workshops in music, song and dance and taking part in numerous other workshops, among them, acrobatics, modern dance, graffiti, Hip-hop and Russian Folk Dance.

A well as their hosts Ihna, the group was joined in Erlangen by a Russian Folk Dance group Vladimirez and a troupe of hip-hop dancers from Rennes, France. The week’s activities culminated in members of all four groups coming together to perform one dance piece choreographed by Dr Orfhlaith Ní Bhriain of Scoil Uí Ruairc and the Irish World Academy of Music and Dance, University of Limerick, their common language, DANCE.